Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Common Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Accomplished entrepreneur Larry Ryckman serves as the president and CEO of AfterMaster Audio in Hollywood, California. Although he established the company over a decade ago, it was far from his first successful business. Larry Ryckman previously served as the president and CEO of Calgary Stampeder Football Club, American Artists, Inc., and QSound Audio Labs, Inc. Becoming an entrepreneur can be an exciting experience, but not everyone is cut out for success. Below are just a few of the common traits that successful entrepreneurs share:

- Self-motivated – Rather than sitting and waiting for a solution, successful entrepreneurs go out and find solutions themselves. They are constantly seeking out the next new thing and are driven by their own need to experience new challenges. As a result of their ability to self-motivate, successful entrepreneurs are usually skilled at motivating others.

- Passionate – Many individuals assume it is a desire for money that drives successful entrepreneurs. In reality, they are fueled by their passion for solving a problem or creating new products. This passion is normally based on a company’s mission and often results in entrepreneurs putting more time, money, and effort into an idea that may not seem fruitful.

- Versatile – When entrepreneurs first start a company, they are often working either alone or with a small group of people. Due to this, they must be able to adapt to varying roles and responsibilities to accommodate their growing company’s needs. Further, entrepreneurs must be capable of changing their path when a particular product or solution is not working out.

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